Guangdong University of technology, My first step in Guangzhou.

I was Guangdong University of Technology Foreign Student, Guangzhou city, China. Let me share a little bit story about my school, Enjoyed it!

Guangdong University of technology.
Guangdong University of technology.

Oftenly I just write about my travel activity, what I found, food, business tips.
By the way, I’m just a student in my first step come to China. Let me share about a part of my life.
My School story.

04.00 pm September 11, 2014.
The first time I arrive in Baiyun International Continue reading “Guangdong University of technology, My first step in Guangzhou.”

“Love” and “Time” story

Hari ini saya membaca sebuah artikel yang menarik dikelas  chinese intensive reading saya. Judul dari artikel itu adalah “Love and time story”. Saya sangat menyukai artikel singkat ini, karena menunjukan bagaimana hubungan antara cinta, kesedihan, kebahagiaan, pengetahuan dan waktu didalam cerita yang sederhana. Mari kita simak.

Ada sebuah pulau kecil, dimana hiduplah Kebahagiaan, Kesedihan, Pengetahuan dan Cinta, dan hidup juga berbagai macam emosi lainnya.



Suatu hari, Para emosi mendengar kabar bahwa pulau mereka akan segera tenggelam. Lalu, setiap orang Continue reading ““Love” and “Time” story”

Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Elephant, dan Peacock.

Today I have Intensive reading class in the afternoon. For first chapter opening, my teacher showed to us 5 pictures. It is Monkey, dog, elephant, tiger and peacock. We discuss about the character of animal.

  • 猴子      :可爱,调皮。
    Monkey               : cute, naughty.
  • 狗           :可爱,调皮,忠诚,乖(听话)。
    Dog        : cute, naughty, loyal, well behaved.
  • 老虎      :凶,强壮,森林之王,力气大。
    Tiger      : inauspicious, strong, king of forest, strength.
  • 大象      :安静,聪明,力气大,记性很好,有安全感,记忆力强。
    Elephant              :calm, smart, strength, safe feeling, good memory.
  • 孔雀      :美丽,柔弱。
    Peacock               : beautiful, but weak.

Then, teacher give the student a question, not 100% true, but its interesting enough. Let’s imagine, One day you go travelling, hiking and bring your five animal. In the middle of your trip you feel you must leave one of your animal, because your food storage is running out. Which one would you left?.. Continue reading “Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Elephant, dan Peacock.”