Decoration China Wholesale Market

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Hallo Indonesia…

Guangzhou is the third biggest city in China which the first is Beijing as capital and centre of culture, shanghai as business centre and the third is Guangzhou as China International trade centre. as China international trade centre, of course many people from others country come to Guangzhou for buy in small or large quantity, or sell again the goods in their country. I stayed in Guangzhou for 1 year and I have knowledge for accompany you to shopping in Guangzhou Wholesale Market.

Guangzhou adalah kota ketiga terbesar di Cina dimana yang pertama adalah Beijing sebagai ibu kota negara dan pusat budaya, Shanghai sebagai pusat bisnis dan ketiga Guangzhou sebagai pusat perdagangan. Sebagai pusat perdagangan, tentu saja banyak sekali orang dari berbagai macam negara datang ke Guangzhou untuk wisata belanja baik dalam jumlah sedikit, banyak, atau bahkan untuk dijual kembali Continue reading “Decoration China Wholesale Market”

Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Elephant, dan Peacock.

Today I have Intensive reading class in the afternoon. For first chapter opening, my teacher showed to us 5 pictures. It is Monkey, dog, elephant, tiger and peacock. We discuss about the character of animal.

  • 猴子      :可爱,调皮。
    Monkey               : cute, naughty.
  • 狗           :可爱,调皮,忠诚,乖(听话)。
    Dog        : cute, naughty, loyal, well behaved.
  • 老虎      :凶,强壮,森林之王,力气大。
    Tiger      : inauspicious, strong, king of forest, strength.
  • 大象      :安静,聪明,力气大,记性很好,有安全感,记忆力强。
    Elephant              :calm, smart, strength, safe feeling, good memory.
  • 孔雀      :美丽,柔弱。
    Peacock               : beautiful, but weak.

Then, teacher give the student a question, not 100% true, but its interesting enough. Let’s imagine, One day you go travelling, hiking and bring your five animal. In the middle of your trip you feel you must leave one of your animal, because your food storage is running out. Which one would you left?.. Continue reading “Tiger, Monkey, Dog, Elephant, dan Peacock.”