China diary: Beautiful Fake Wax Candle, Visiting Canton Fair phase 2

Find beautiful fake wax candle in canton fair phase 2 home decoration.

Yesterday I visited canton fair 118th phase 2. Canton fair is China International Import and Export Fair. If you in guangzhou now, don’t missed it.


Phase 2:
*Comsumer Goods

*Home Decorations


In my first day in canton fair. I fell in love with this candle. this is the new product from a fake candle company. The material is wax, its use watch batery, and there is a small bob in the middle of candle.

I imagine, if I have decorator business, I will buy this candle and lay 3 or some pieces on my dinner table. Its really beautiful candle and appropriate for wedding decoration or something else with romantic ambience.


Usually fake candle is made from plastic material, but this company has fake candle made from wax. I love their candle.

Keep reading my china diary, maybe you will find something you need. Good luck!

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